Commander: Our Commander has many duties, the most important of which is to inspire the growth and strength of our Post. Our Commander assesses the overall Post position and figures out what needs to be worked on. Another duty for our Commander is to supervise all of the duties of the officers of our Post. It is our Commander's responsibility to preside over the Post meetings. Our Commander sees to it that programs implemented by our Post is carried through to completion. Our Commander also familiarizes themselves with all of the policies and traditions of our Post.
First Vice Commander: Our First Vice Commander's duty is to step up if the Commander cannot perform their position for one reason or another. The First Vice Commander's focus revolves around membership. The need for membership in any post is vital to its success and therefore the First Vice Commander works diligently to obtain as many new members as he/she can during the year. The First Vice Commander studies ceremonial procedures and protocol for regular meetings since he/she will probably have to run a meeting or two during the year.
Second Vice Commander: The main job of our Second Vice Commander is to boost moral within the post and make sure the every member is pleased to be part of the American Legion and their post. The members of the post are to have fun while at the same time working to improve the American Legion, the Second Vice Commander is the leader in this and it is a very important job and is always looked at closely by the post.
Third Vice Commander: The main job of our Third Vice Commander is to also to boost moral within the post and make sure the every member is pleased to be part of the American Legion and their post. The members of the post are to have fun while at the same time working to improve the American Legion, the Third Vice Commander is a leader in this and other areas. It is a very important job and is always looked at closely by the post.
Finance Officer: The Finance Officer holds a very important responsibility of the posts finances and must be experienced in handling financial and accounting affairs. As with any post, our post relies solely on finances and does well with the expert advice and management of its finances by the Finance Officer. The Finance Officer usually serves as the chair of the finance committee and is in charge of receiving and distributing our posts funds. Our posts Adjutant and Finance Officer work closely together to financing our post events and programs.
Adjutant: Our Adjutant holds the same relative position in the Post as a secretary of any other organized group of people. The position of Adjutant serves as the "first sergeant" of our American Legion Post. Most Post activities revolve around our Adjutant. While the Commander's duties are more inspirational and executive, our Adjutant's duties are more administrative. Our Post's Adjutant is the personnel officer, the intimate contact with our Post members. These duties include maintaining membership records of our Post, minutes of meetings, checks up and assists the work of the other officers and committees, and publishes official records, announcements and instructions. Our Adjutant keeps all of our Post records in a system in which he/she sees fit to well serve the Post's needs. The office requires a great deal of work but can be very rewarding in the growth of any Post.
Chaplain: Our Chaplain is a huge leader in our Post. Our Chaplain is our moral leader in ceremonial services and patriotic occasions. With the right person, the position of Chaplain greatly improves the usefulness of the Post in our community. Our Chaplain also holds the important duty of overseeing that those who have served this country and have passed have their grounds decorated accordingly on Memorial Day. Our Chaplain works with families of deceased members to see that all their wishes are taken care of.
Service Officer: Our Service Officer is our biggest connection to the nation and the community. Through the Service Officer, our Post can provide our community with many unique services to veterans and other community members. With our Service Officers national connection, our Post is able to keep up to date with all the services available to veterans and programs that could be implemented within our community to benefit all. Our Service Officer works closely with the veterans affairs and rehabilitation committees as well as the children and youth committee, Post employment officer, and the hospital visitation committee.
Historian: Our office of Historian is of growing importance. It is a suitable position for a past Post Commander to serve. Our Historian works closely with the Adjutant. Our Post Historian keeps in close contact with the Department Historian to keep records up to date.
Sergeant-At-Arms: Our Sergeant-At-Arms is knowledgeable in how to arrange the meeting hall and assists our Post's Commander and Adjutant in the preliminary arrangements for meetings which includes the proper care of the colors. Our Sergeant-At-Arms is our flag etiquette person and uses this knowledge to lead the Post color guard, burial detail, and other pageantry that is a part of The American Legion. Our Post believes every member is important and the Sergeant-At-Arms will properly welcome and introduce a new member to the Post and its members.